Higher Education & Careers - Â鶹Éçmadou



Higher Education & Careers

St. Clement Danes provides high quality, individualised support and advice for all students about Further Education, Higher Education and Careers. 

This information is designed for students, teachers, parents, and employers

Careers Leader: Mr L Arnold, (Director of Sixth Form/Assistant Headteacher) 

Careers Coordinator: Mrs Melanie Garwood-Evans

The St Clement Danes careers team has ensured that the government’s required Gatsby Benchmarks are securely at the heart of our extensive programme. The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are as follows:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

Regularly, over 80% of our Year 13 students gain places at University, with the vast majority of other students gaining entrance onto a chosen alternative, whether this be apprenticeships, employment or an alternative Higher Education pathway. Students in Year 11 or 13 who prefer to follow a route of employment, apprenticeship or further education are fully supported through application processes by the school’s Careers Team. Mrs Garwood-Evans faciltates a range of interview opportunities in order to ensure students have access to a broad range of advice and guidance, including the use of an external careers advisor.

Every year group has access to a wide range of opportunities to engage with the world of work, as outlined in our Careers Programme found in the download section below. Students are encouraged to use Unifrog to build their own skills portfolio and increase awareness of career pathways from the end of Year 7. There are a number of careers-focused sessions built into all year groups' Personal Development lessons in addition to some whole day events, work shadowing days, access to visiting speakers and individual guidance across a student's time in the school. 

Feedback from parents, students and other stakeholders is very welcome. Please email enquiries@scd.herts.sch.uk, providing a subject title of 'Careers Feedback'. 

Â鶹Éçmadou works closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP). The HOP website can be accessed through the link below. It offers young people the chance to explore jobs and apprenticeships in Hertfordshire, provides further support to make informed career decisions and offers tips on gaining work experience and developing skills.

Click here for OTHER links to useful websites on careers, continuing education, employment and more. 


The effectiveness of the Careers Guidance provided to our all students can be measured through destination information. COMPASS is a tool also used on a termly basis by the school to evaluate our provision against the Gatsby Benchmarks. An exit survey for school leavers with a section on careers provision is also invaluable in our review of the areas we focus on for continuing improvements and revisions. Please click on the relevant link below for most recent government data regarding our school leavers.


Careers in the Sixth Form

The Sixth Form at St. Clement Danes boasts a team of dedicated staff who guide students in their Higher Education applications. Mr L Arnold (Director of Sixth Form and Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs O'Dowd (Assistant Director of Sixth Form) oversee the process from student research into courses and institutions at the beginning of Year 12 to accepting offers at the end of Year 13. UCAS application information is delivered to students through a programme of meetings, Personal Development sessions and outside speakers.

Sixth Form students also have the following opportunities made available to them:

  • A series of Personal Development sessions dedicated to post-SCD options and workplace topics and skills
  • External speakers from a range of professional backgrounds
  • Business Mentoring for selected students: 6-8 sessions with one of our Business mentors, professionals from a range of companies and institutions, who come into school to provide advice and guidance about the world of work
  • Work shadowing days for Year 12 students
  • Morrisby profiling- psychometric testing for career aptitudes, with follow-up interviews (also made available to Year 11 students).
  • Competitive Courses Programme
  • Apprenticeships Programme
  • Brand You Day - an opportunity for all of our Year 12 students engage with recruitment and interview processes.
  • Interview practice

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is the centralised service that students will use to apply to university. For more background information about the process of applying to Higher Education, the easy to navigate site linked to below will have all the latest news and guidance provided by UCAS.

Labour Market Information

Accurate and up-to-date Labour Market Information (LMI) plays a key role in raising aspirations and promoting social mobility and is incoprarated into aspects of our careers education programme.

The Careerometer below provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.




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  • 04:33 pm - 11th October, 2024 Our Year 11 Prince's Trust Achieve students are already getting into the festive spirit making Christmas decorations for the Winter Market on 16th November. All proceeds will go to the children's cancer charity, Alice's Arc. pic.twitter.com/5uusZiACSG
  • 02:31 pm - 10th October, 2024 Fantastic weather for our year 4 tri golf tournament today! Well done to all of those involved ⛳️ pic.twitter.com/p0vyUKlJhM
  • 01:37 pm - 10th October, 2024 We celebrated European Languages Day on 26th September... Read more: pic.twitter.com/dm4N52MJmC
  • 08:30 pm - 9th October, 2024 Great effort from this bunch today..Despite not getting the results they battled hard at the Fullerians Festival & improved every game. Impressed by Jack & Vinnie who kept going all afternoon 👏 pic.twitter.com/cwFMjyet9B
  • 03:32 pm - 8th October, 2024 Huge thanks to Tom, former student and owner of for coming in to speak to the students about your career since leaving school.#careers pic.twitter.com/beylWfywvj
  • 12:25 pm - 2nd October, 2024 Open Morning Bookings are now open: pic.twitter.com/gjq0JtTMmk
  • 10:25 am - 2nd October, 2024 Year 12 Drama students enjoyed their Frantic Assembly Workshop last week, exploring Physical Theatre with the world renowned company - Thank you pic.twitter.com/YNjGL6rGpm
  • 06:08 pm - 27th September, 2024 We are all set for our Open Day tomorrow, Saturday 28th September. We look forward to welcoming all prospective parents and students. pic.twitter.com/7x8CYFkqv1
  • 01:51 pm - 27th September, 2024 On 18th September, Year 10 and Year 11 students had the exciting opportunity to attend an insightful talk led by the renowned . Read more... pic.twitter.com/rAjH1P8xrM
  • 09:56 am - 27th September, 2024 Important information regarding parking and travel for St Clement Danes’ Open Day on Saturday 28th September. Please use the following link to view alternative parking options or scan the QR code: pic.twitter.com/RO72m4OnVy
  • 03:03 pm - 20th September, 2024 A limited number of places have become available in Year 12 of the Sixth Form. If you would like your application to be considered please email your subject preferences along with a copy of your GCSE results to sixthformadmissions.herts.sch.uk pic.twitter.com/zEwwTBtmhF
  • 05:10 pm - 28th August, 2024 We look forward to welcoming our Year 7s and 12 on Wednesday 4th September, followed by 7-11 and 13 on Thursday 5th. All years will be attending school on Friday 6th September pic.twitter.com/2BFnbteSuq